The third one of the annual Emerging Concepts of Logistics Summer School took place at the Gerhard Mercator Haus of the University of Duisburg-Essen this August. Conjointly organized by the Koç University in Turkey and the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany, ECoL Summer School 2017 was funded by the DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service. The summer school enabled a multidisciplinary working environment for young academics from Argentina, Armenia, Benin, Bolivia, China, Egypt, Germany, India, Iran, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, Turkey, Spain and Sri Lanka.
Author: Ezgi Başar
With the excitement of having only two days until the ECoL Summer School 2017’s start, we would hereby like to remind you a few points of importance.
We have updated the detailed schedule of the summer school and the descriptions of group works to be supervised by the lecturers. Please find the new schedule and the recommended literature regarding your group work here. Please make sure to take a look at them prior to the beginning of the lectures.
If you have any questions or suggestions don’t hesitate to contact our team.
See you soon in Duisburg!
We are proud to announce that the third Summer School on Emerging Concepts of Logistics (ECoL) will take place in August 2017 in Duisburg. Master and PhD candidates, Post-Docs as well as practitioners are invited to discuss innovations in the interdisciplinary and service-oriented field of logistics during a ten-days programme, touching upon a variety of topics regarding “Food Supply Chain”. The ECoL network aims at integrating neighboring Continue reading
We are proud to announce that the next Emerging Concepts of Logistics – ECoL Summer School in 2017, between 14th and 23rd of August on “Food Supply Chain” will be funded by the German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst). Being granted DAAD funding after a highly competitive qualifying process, ECoL Summer School 2017 is currently in the organizational structuring and content development phase.
After the first Emerging Concepts of Logistics Summer School in Istanbul last year at the Koç University, the second one took place in Duisburg at the University of Duisburg-Essen this August. Conjointly organized by both universities and sponsored by the leading logistics company duisport, ECoL Summer School enabled a multidisciplinary working environment for young academics from Egypt, Germany, India, Iran and Turkey.
Due to the high demand of applicants from various universities, we are pleased to inform you about the prolonged deadline: August 10th, 2016.
We are proud to announce that the second Summer School on Emerging Concepts of Logistics (ECoL) will take place in August 2016 in Duisburg. Master and PhD candidates, Post-Docs as well as practitioners are invited to discuss innovations in the interdisciplinary and service-oriented field of logistics during a seven-days programme, touching upon a variety of topics regarding “Port of the Future”. The ECoL network aims at integrating neighboring Continue reading

Looking back on the ECoL Summer School on Resilient Urban Industrial Systems, August 17th-22nd, 2015, Istanbul
The idea of ECoL, Emerging Concepts of Logistic, was formed with the intent of creating a multidisciplinary network between young academics and professionals together with stakeholders from industry, policy and science with various focal points of logistics. Collaboratively organised by Koç University and the University of Duisburg-Essen and sponsored by the leading logistics companies Ekol Logistics and duisport, the ECoL Summer School 2015 steered Continue reading